100+ Montessori Inspired Activities for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a great time of the year! Make time for some fun and enriching Thanksgiving themed activities. This is a great time year to emphasize Montessori Grace and Courtesy lessons like gratitude, kindness, generosity, among others. Also, if you are looking for some Thanksgiving classroom ideas, you've come to the right place. Here is a collection of 100 plus Montessori inspired activities for Thanksgiving week, created by some of the web's best Montessori bloggers.
Yuliya Fruman of Welcome to Mommyhood brings us this awesome collection of free Thanksgiving themed printables that includes cutting strips, letter tiles, counting cards, and more entitled Free Thanksgiving Printables.

Renae from Every Star is Different has packed dozens of great ideas and links into her two blogs: Thanksgiving Activities and Printables....

In her blog, Teaching Children Manners, Gratitude, and Thankfulness, Vanessa from Mama's Happy Hive, has compiled an amazing bunch of activities to teach thankfulness, kindness, manners, and more.

And I love her beautiful idea for making a thankful tree.

Age of Montessori brings you these two Thanksgiving activities:

After enjoying a few of these fun and education activities, make sure you take a moment to actually BE thankful. And have a very safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!