
Reflecting on 2022

We often begin a new year looking forward – making declarations and resolving to live differently during the next 12 months. While this is a valuable practice, it seems that in our excitement to move forward, we often neglect to reflect on the year that has come to a close.

We are so focused on what we want to change, that we forget to celebrate the accomplishments, growth, life lessons, and most importantly, moments of happiness that we have experienced during the last 12 months.

As we stand on the cusp of 2023, we encourage you to take a breath, grab a pen, and dedicate a few moments to meditate and reflect on the year that was 2022.

What are the lasting memories you created as a family this year?

These may be little moments, epic adventures, or anything in-between. Make a list of the moments that brought you joy or bonded you as a family during the past year.

What parenting moments do you cherish most from 2022?

Parenting is not an easy task, and we often ruminate on what we perceive as failures or flaws far more than we celebrate our wins. Make a list of a few of times you got it right this year (you probably got it right more than you think).

How have your children overcome challenges and gained independence this year?

There are these precious moments, you know the ones… where our children’s growth and progress shines and reminds us of how truly amazing they are. You have witnessed these moments with a smile and perhaps even a tear (or two). Take a few minutes to reflect on some of these moments that occurred in the past year. Celebrate the victories, both large and small.

What brought you the most joy?

Carefully consider this question and make a list of your joyful moments. Once you have gathered your thoughts decide how you can intentionally integrate more of these moments into the upcoming year. 

We wish you a joyful 2023!