AOM’s Teacher Education Program Stands Apart
What makes Age of Montessori’s Teacher Education program
stand apart from so many others?
From my perspective, it is difficult to describe in just a few words
the high level of professionalism, individualized attention, depth of
content and study that I received from my courses at Age of
Montessori. I have attended graduate school and been involved in
many high level training programs over the course of my career
as an educator but they simply do not compare to the quality of
instruction and guidance I received through Age of Montessori.
However, the most valuable part of my experience with Age of
Montessori goes beyond textbooks and notebooks. It is indirect,
similar to what can be called a "silent curriculum." The examples
of Montessori excellence set by the outstanding instructors cannot
go unrecognized. I learned as much from observing my
instructors as I did from studying content. From learning how to
carry myself as a Montessori teacher, to how to be gracious and
courteous in all situations, to exuding a love and joy for
Montessori that is simply contagious.
You will receive Montessori Teacher training that is more valuable
than every cent spent on your tuition. You will receive a
Montessori teacher education that is priceless. This is what sets
Age of Montessori apart from the rest.
With Deepest Respect,

Nikki Hatcher
Head of School
Montessori School of Donaldson
As a new student of Montessori philosophy