A Glimpse into Age of Montessori's Residency in Beautiful Bozeman, Montana

Age of Montessori’s 15-day in person residency is a brief but fundamental component of becoming a MACTE accredited Montessori teacher. In just over two weeks, the summer intensive gives students hands on training with the materials and a chance to practice lessons in-person with faculty. Additionally, this is a time to connect with fellow students and Age of Montessori staff.
Read more about Age of Montessori's On-line and In-person Teacher Training Certification HERE.
Last summer, students discussed why they chose Age of Montessori for their Early Childhood Teacher Training and Certification. “When I heard Mary Ellen speak, everything just made sense…I loved everything she said,” said one student.
“I had to choose an online course. I chose this particular course because I like Mary Ellen’s story. I like how she’s connected with Dr. Elisabeth Caspari. It seemed like a very rich program,” said another.
Many students were drawn toward learning the Montessori method after visiting a Montessori classroom. They were amazed and inspired to see three and four-year-old children quietly and happily at work on lessons of their own choosing.
As one Montessori teacher-to-be explained, “What I really wanted to do in entering teaching, was change the way we educate kids. When I entered the Montessori classroom, I saw exactly what I wanted. The kids were working a lot of passion for what they’re doing. But they’re still being kids and having fun.”