Almost-Spring Home Sensory Bins - Montessori Methods
According to the Montessori Method, Sensorial Development is one of the four major avenues through which young children grow and develop. Numerous studies have proven that it is imperative to provide children (particularly those six years and under) with adequate sensorial stimulation in order to establish vital neurological functions in the brain.

Please click here to read all about the importance of the senses to brain development.
One popular method of providing youngsters with materials for sensorial development is through "sensory bins." A sensory bin is simply a collection of sense-stimulating materials all together in one handy place. Children are allowed (under supervision) to explore the sight, sounds, feelings, smells, and/or tastes of the contents of your own specially prepared package. If you like, you can create sensory bins with themes such as seasons, activities, or special interests.
Sensory bins are fun for children and provide a treasure trove of learning opportunities. Skills developed through use of sensory bins include matching, transferring, grasping, fine motor, and sorting, (to name just a few.)
Here are two examples of spring-themed sensory bins my family made at home:
Spring Birds, Bunnies and Flowers is made with paper grass, silk flowers, plastic eggs and toy chicks, bunnies, and ducks.