Ten Reasons to Bring Montessori’s Wisdom Home
You’ve probably heard of Montessori. You may also know that Montessori is an educational approach based on a child’s natural stages of development. But did you know that Montessori’s in-depth understanding of the inner workings of the child’s growing mind, body, and spirit, can be used at home? Your child’s education begins at home, long before she ever steps foot in her first classroom. And you, the child’s parents, grandparents, and family, are the most important teachers your child will ever have.

“Parents hold the fate of their children in their hands.” ~ Mary Ellen Maunz
You don’t have to be a school teacher to benefit from learning the fundamentals of the Montessori method. In fact, here are ten reasons to bring Montessori’s wisdom into your home:
10.) Parents (or those filling the parental shoes) really are their child’s first and foremost teachers. Your child is learning and growing every minute of every day from the moment of birth (some say even sooner). So, why save the good stuff for school? When you understand how your child really develops (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually), you will know how to fulfill his developmental needs.

9.) Your child will flourish, academically, physically, and emotionally, when her individual developmental needs are recognized and met. Also, the fulfilled child is far less likely to be frustrated, which in turn means fewer temper tantrums (or other frustration-caused outbursts) at home.
8.) To meet your child’s developmental needs, you must be able to recognize what Montessori called “sensitive periods.” Sensitive periods are developmental windows of opportunity during which the child can learn specific concepts more easily and naturally than at any other time in their lives. Only by knowing what to expect (and when) can you anticipate your child’s needs and provide what is necessary to fulfill them. Conversely, if the opportunity of the sensitive periods is missed, it can never again be recaptured.

“A sensitive period is a burning fire of interest in something, during the period of time that a child acquires a new specific skill.” ~ Mary Ellen Maunz
7.) Positive discipline, as used by Montessorians, will lead to a happier, more secure child. Discipline is an integral part of the Montessori method, with the ultimate goal to teach children to regulate themselves. In fact, the most important form of discipline for your child to master is self-discipline. Montessori’s respectful approach to discipline can (and ideally should) remain consistent at home and in school.
6.) Children who learn to be internally motivated are more likely to become successful adults. Montessori understood that all children are born with a natural desire to learn. If allowed to follow his interests, your child will seek additional knowledge on his own, no external motivation necessary. You can foster your child’s internal drive to discover by providing the right materials and activities for his developmental needs.
5.) You want your child to have high self-esteem, right? Well, her confidence begins with her sense of accomplishment. Give your child the time and space she needs to “do it myself.” Also, her self-esteem is bolstered by activities that are self-correcting (rather than having someone looking over her shoulder, pointing out mistakes). You can create an environment rich in opportunities for self-correction and personal growth with a basic understanding of the Montessori principles.

“These children reveal to us the most vital need of their development, saying: 'Help me to do it alone!'" ~Dr. Maria Montessori
4.) Developing “practical life skills” early in life is another boost to your child’s self-confidence and independence. And these skills are the foundation for learning writing, mastery of mathematics and other more advanced lessons.
3.) Your child can learn to love learning, an empowering lesson that can stay with him throughout his life. And what parent doesn’t want their child to be enthusiastic and joyful about learning?
2.) Did you know that you can help your child develop a longer attention span? Montessori discovered that even very young children can concentrate on one activity for an extended period of time, if they have access to the kind of activities that interest them in their current developmental stage.
1.) Last but not least is the culture of courtesy, kindness, and respect that pervades everything Montessori. And, honestly, couldn’t everyone use a little more of that in their lives?
Montessori Continuing Education Course
“Like getting a Parenting Manual”
See Contact us information to find out when the next Child Development course begins. 406-284-2160.
What You Learn in the Child Development Course:
- How to nurture the whole child
- Discover the true needs of the child
- How to manage/avoid toddler temper tantrums or at any age!
- How to help your child find peace, harmony and purpose
- How to avoid power struggles
- Discover the essential knowledge you need to guide a child's spirit and mind
- How to make learning time more productive
Don't miss your child's opportunities for growth - Release your child's full potential!
"This is the best online parenting course I've ever taken. It's like getting the Parenting Manual that didn't come with my child. Getting to know the cycles of growth and how they learn and absorb information is priceless. Well worth my money!"
"Wow, I wish I had known this before when I first had my children!"