The Returns on Investing in Early Education

About Early Education, did you know…?

  • The average annual cost of preschool in the U.S. ranges between $5000 and $14,000, per child. (NationalEarly Education Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA))
  • The average number of children per family in America is two. (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
  • The average income per person, per year, is $28,155. (United States Census Bureau)

Okay, so let’s do the math. If you live in the United States and have two children under the age of five, you are likely paying anywhere from $10,000 to $28,000 per year for preschool (or childcare.) If you are making $28,000 per year (before tax)...well, I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. Even for a dual-income household, the above scenario doesn’t make a lot of financial sense. It also doesn’t guarantee that your children are getting the education they need.

UPDATE: "Child care can cost as much as a mortgage for some families. In fact, a 2015 report found the national average for two children in day care is $18,000, while housing is $17,000. Gavlak says parents may want to consider whether they actually come out ahead by having both parents work."

Perhaps you don’t think an early education is all that important. Think again! Studies prove that the first five years are actually the most important. Robert Ehrlich, former Governor of Maryland, had this to say on the subject:

“Experts tell us that 90% of all brain development occurs by the age of five. If we don’t begin thinking about education in the early years, our children are at risk of falling behind by the time they start Kindergarten.”

Early EducationMaria Montessori would have agreed. Through a lifetime of research and observation, Montessori discovered that children under age six have incredible absorbent minds. During this “absorbent mind” stage, children soak up knowledge easily and naturally. However, somewhere around age five or six, children mature into a “reasoning mind” stage and gone are the days of effortless learning. Children starting kindergarten with no reading, writing, or math skills under their belt are already at an unfortunate disadvantage.

Montessori’s findings have been confirmed and reconfirmed over the years. Consider these findings published in the Journal of Psychological Science:

  • Reading and math ability at age 7 is linked to social class a full 35 years later. Participants who had higher reading and math skills as children ended up having higher incomes, better housing, and better jobs in adulthood.
  • Going up one reading level at age 7 is associated with a roughly $7,750 increase in annual income at age 42.
  • Basic childhood skills, independent of how smart you are, how long you stay in school, or the social class in which you started, will be important throughout your life.

For many more studies validating Montessori’s work, follow this link.

A Better Solution

Have you ever considered taking your child’s education into your own hands? Parents are, by nature, their children’sEarly Education first and foremost teacher. With the proper training, you can ensure that your children receive the very best education, one that truly fulfills his or her developmental needs. The Montessori Method works because it teaches the way the children really learn.

Age of Montessori’s teacher training program offers the flexibility of convenient on-line learning. Learn to give your child the gift of early reading and math skills, as well as confidence, independence, and a lifelong love for learning, all from the comfort of your own home. Through Age of Montessori’s courses, you can better understand how your child learns and how to meet his or her developmental needs. And Age of Montessori offers many different levels of learning, depending on your goals.

Whether you want to dip your toes in the water with one of Age of Montessori’s six-week courses, or dive into the Montessori Teacher Training Course (accredited full-certification and non-credit programs are both available,) Age of Montessori is here for you. We bend over backwards to support you throughout your journey. And what are the returns on your investments? How about: the best possible start for your child or children, empowering knowledge and understanding for yourself, and the possibility of a rewarding new career path for your future?

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